A few wooden-stocked STENs were
prototyped. A STEN Mk.II with an SMLE rifle stock was prototyped,
but nothing became of it due to high production costs. A
wooden-bodied STEN Mk.III with bayonet fittings was prototyped but
never mass produced for the same reasons. Probably the most unusual
wooden STEN was a Mk.III prototype with an entirely wooden body. The
pistol grip and trigger were directly below the magazine feed and
the cocking lever was relocated to the top of the weapon. The stock
was raised. The exact reason for the creation of this STEN is
unknown, but it was probably an experiment in weapon handling and

A Mk.II STEN with an SMLE-pattern stock.

A Mk.III STEN with a Lanchester-style body and bayonet.

A Mk.III STEN with an experimental wooden body.
A special STEN Mk.II was designed
for parachutists. It was intended to be used whilst descending
with a parachute. It was very cheap to produce but not very
comfortable to fire. It was never fielded in large numbers.

A Mk.II STEN with a pistol grip.