machine carbine
of the 'F.F. machine carbine' were submitted to the Ordnance Board in
early 1943. This gun, which was probably never made in a physical
prototype, had several interesting features, including a pawl feed, a
quick-change barrel, an automatically-ejecting magazine, and a
pressure-sensitive trigger which gave semi-auto shots when half-pulled
and automatic fire when fully depressed. The plans were passed on to the
Armament Design Department in March 1943 and the principles were
examined by the Belgian section. The associated report, written up by
Dieudonné Saive on the 31st of March, criticized many aspects of the
design as impractical and undesirable. Saive concluded that the F.F. did
not exhibit any advantages over existing machine carbines, and no
further development was undertaken on this design.
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