Halcón Model 1943

Buenos Aires firm of Fabrica de Armas Halcón SATYC was founded in 1941
to produce small arms for the civilian and military markets. In 1943 the
company developed a submachine gun, which became the first
domestically-designed SMG to enter production in Argentina. This gun was
offered in both .45 ACP and 9x19mm Parabellum, for the police and army
respectively. It was a blowback gun with a loose firing pin,
spring-loaded through the bolt face, firing from an open bolt. The
cocking slot was covered by a rectangular dust cover built onto the
cocking handle, an idea taken from the Beretta 38A. The distinctive
finned barrel of the Halcón SMG showed influence from the Thompson, with
an oversized six-slot compensator fitted to the muzzle, the advantages
of which are said to have been negligible. The gun also featured a long
magazine housing that was designed to act as the hand grip, as there was
no wooden fore-end underneath the barrel. A final unique feature of the
design was the safety activated by a push-in button at the front of the
trigger guard, which released a bolt stop.
In 1946 the design was lightened and simplified on request of the
Argentinian air force, as a weapon for parachutists. This new model was
known as the Model Aeronautica. The unusual wooden hybrid stock of the
standard model was swapped out for a basic pistol grip and underfolding
wire stock. The barrel was shortened, and the muzzle compensator was
changed to a smaller four-slot version. An adjustable tangent rear sight
was added. Interestingly the long magazine housing was eliminated
entirely, so the user would have to grip onto the magazine directly,
which was a method liable to cause feed issues.
In 1949 a final model was produced which was in 9mm only. It had an
improved curved magazine with an extended 36-round capacity but was
otherwise the same as the previous models. It lasted a year in
production before the entire line was discontinued in 1950. Although the
Halcón SMGs were adopted by the Argentinian army, air force, and police,
they were never in high demand and only about 6,000 were ever produced.
Compared to other SMGs developed in the 1940s, the Halcón was very
expensive, and was excessively heavy at almost 13lb.
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