
Calibre: 9x19mm |
Barrel: N/A |
Length: N/A |
Weight: N.A |
Magazine: 20 rounds |
Country: United Kingdom
Years: 1942 - 47 |
This weapon was designed by Harold Turpin whilst he was working at Enfield.
Throughout the 40's, the Enfield design teams were split by nationality.
British, Polish, and Belgian teams all worked on seperate projects, with
Turpin heading the British team. Reportedly there was some rivalry between
the British and Polish teams. Both teams were assigned to create a
submachine gun for British Army trials, and Turpin's team finished first.
Their weapon was submitted to the Ordnance Board for trials, and it was
dubbed the "Military Carbine, Experimental Model".
The MCEM-1 basically used the STEN's trigger mechanism with a machined steel
body and a wooden stock. It was fed through two side-by-side magazines and
had right-hand cocking. It failed to meet General Staff specifications for
several reasons and it was rejected after trials.
Turpin improved the design in the form of the MCEM-3 (named as such because
the Polish team's submachine gun had already taken the MCEM-2 name). The
MCEM-3 did not have the double magazine, and instead had a singular curved
magazine of 20 rounds. Bayonet fittings were added for the No.9 Bayonet. The
safety catch was moved to the right side of the trigger. This model was
submitted into trials in September 1946, and was considered to "show
considerable promise as being both a efficient and reliable carbine, worthy
of more intensive trials". Enfield saw more potential in the MCEM-3 than it
did in the Polish MCEM-2 and MCEM-6, so it cancelled both of those weapons
and increased the funding on the MCEM-3. Trials on the 8th - 16th of
September 1947 saw the MCEM-3 competing against several other submachine
guns, including the Patchett and the BSA machine-carbine, and the MCEM-3
performed relatively poorly in comparison. It overheated quickly, and was
found to be heavy and fire at an excessive rate of 650 rounds per minute.
The handguard got so hot during continous firing that it could not be
gripped by the firer without burning them. After this, the MCEM-3 was
scrapped for good.
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