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Model 2 automatic carbine

(Author's photo via Royal Armouries Collection)
This unusual weapon was developed in
1933 by the Soley Armament Company, a firm established after the First
World War by Captain John Ball, a former officer of the Royal Flying
Corps. The purpose of the company, which was a subsidiary of the
larger Birmingham Small Arms Company, was to sell off surplus
armaments left over from the First World War. At that time, there were
no other companies in Britain exporting small arms, and Soley's name
was a play on the fact that it was the 'sole' arms exporter in the
In the early 1930s, the Soley company had come into an arrangement
with a Belgian gunsmith, Edgard Grimard, whereby Grimard would design
modifications for existing weapons in Soley's stock (mostly derived
from BSA-produced surplus left over from the war), so that they could
be resold as 'new' products. Some of these were done for foreign
contracts, such as the rechambering of Pattern 14 rifles into
7.92x57mm Mauser for the Chinese government, but others were built on
behalf of the Armaments Design Department at the Royal Small Arms
Factory of Enfield for experiment and evaluation. These included a
hybrid rifle made from parts of the Pattern 14 and SMLE No. 1 Mk. III,
a series of Lewis guns converted to feed from Bren magazines, and this
automatic carbine.
The Soley Model 2 is built from a 9x19mm*
Mod. 1918-1930 self-loading carbine from Italy, though it has
been so extensively modified that it is barely recognizable as one.
The trigger group has been moved forward of the magazine feed, which
now acts as a rudimentary pistol grip. It extends back to the hammer
via a lengthened trigger bar which passes across the magazine feed. In
place of the usual wooden buttstock of the Beretta Mod. 1918-1930 -
which has been sawn off - a metal wireframe stock has been mounted to
the rear, with two unusual hinged prongs on the rear which seem to be
intended to cushion the recoil of the gun against the firer's
shoulder. A new barrel has been fitted, along with a lengt though the
cavalry-pattern spike bayonet has been retained, which folds into a
long recess cut into the underside of the forestock. The upper
handguard, typically wooden, has been replaced with a metal barrel
shroud with a long series of perforations for air cooling; this
resembled the type seen on another Italian submachine gun, the Armaguerra
Mod. 1935. The receiver is no different from a standard Mod.
1918-1930 type, except for the replacement of the standard Beretta
company markings with "SOLEY
('C.I.S.A.' refers to the Chief Inspector of Small Arms).
The standard operating principle of the
Beretta Mod. 1918-1930 is that of a straight blowback action firing
from a closed bolt that only produces single shots per trigger pull,
with no rapid-fire function. It utilizes a floating firing pin that is
actuated by a hammer. The hammer, in turn, is cocked back by a
ring-shaped retractable cocking piece located at the receiver end of
the receiver which moves independently of the bolt and does not
reciprocate during firing. The unusual shape of this cocking handle
earned the Beretta Mod. 1918-1930 the common moniker 'Il
Siringone' ('The Syringe'). The magazines were made in 12 and
25 round capacities as standard.
The new configuration applied by
the Soley Company to the Beretta Mod. 1918-1930, which was
highly unusual for its time, transforms the weapon into a
quasi-bullpup arm. However, as opposed to typical bullpup
designs, no great effort has been made to greatly reduce the
overall length of the gun, which measures at 33 inches (840 mm)
- only 2.3 inches (60 mm) less than the Beretta carbine in
standard configuration, which is about 35 inches (900 mm) in
length. Therefore it is likely that the rationale for moving the
trigger forward of the magazine was not really to create a more
compact weapon, as bullpups typically are intended to be, but
rather an experiment in handling and ergonomics.
No serious trials of the Soley Model 2 automatic carbine were ever
undertaken. The Small Arms Committee did observe a test of this weapon
in 1933, describing it as a "Beretta
arm on loan from the Soley Armament Company", which gave "quite promising results".
However they noted that "this arm
was not for sale"; the probable reason for this was that it
was not made under license from Beretta. If more interest had been
shown in adopting a weapon like this, then perhaps the Soley Company
would have pursued a deal with Beretta, but this was never going to be
a likely course of action and it would appear that the weapon was made
entirely for demonstrative purposes.
*Specifically the 9x19mm Glisenti
cartridge, which is dimensionally identical to the more popular
9x19mm Parabellum cartridge but was made with a slightly less
powerful charge. It is important to stress that weapons designed for
9x19mm Glisenti, such as the Beretta Mod. 1918-1930, should not be
loaded or fired with 9x19mm Parabellum cartridges.
- F.W.A. Hobart,
Pictorial History of the Sub-machine Gun (New York:
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973).
- C.I.S.A.,
9.1.33, to Director of Munitions (M.I. 3/882).
- Thanks also to the Royal
Armouries and the National Firearms Centre for allowing me to
photograph this weapon.